cancer clinic

Cancer Immunity Clinic

Cancer Immunity Clinic Overcoming Cancer Pancreatic cancer
With jaundice, abdominal pain, etc. “Pancreatic cancer”


What is the pancreas?

The pancreas is an flat shaped organ, about 15 cm long, located horizontally in the abdomen. The end of the pancreas on the right side is called the head. The middle sections are body and the end of the left side is called the tail.

The pancreas produces/releases enzymes that help with digestion and absorption of what we eat, and secrets hormones such as insulin, etc. that regulate blood sugar levels. Especially, lipase which dissolves fat is only secreted from the pancreas.



The most common symptoms of pancreatic cancer are jaundice, weight loss, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, intching, etc. Patients closing to late-stage may have ascites and lump in the abdomen.
These symptoms, however, appear when the cancer is advanced significantly. Therefore, even if they see doctors after having these symptoms, many patients already have missed the right time for cure. That is the biggest problem of pancreatic cancer.





Pancreatic cancer is the cancer which has the most unfavourable prognosis. It is because that pancreatic cancer easily spreads into nearby organs such as lymph nodes, liver, etc. and rarely is thorough removal of cancer possible as there are several major blood vessels and structures around the pancreas. Therefore, the best treatment is to detect early, and completely remove cancer by performing surgery. Unfortunately, however, pancreatic cancer of most patients (80~90%) is detected as advanced cancer which missed the right time when it is curable. When not operable, radiotherapy or anticancer medication is performed. Among the treatments of pancreatic cancer, the most important one is biliary drainage which helps drain bile easily by opening the blocked bile duct as pancreatic cancer spreads into the bile duct and blocks it.



  • Stop smoking Smoking is a risk factor of pancreatic cancer, and it also causes lung cancer, oral cancer, esophageal cancer, laryngeal cancer, bladder cancer, etc.

  • Balanced diet : No more high-fat, high-calorie diet High-fat of high-calorie diet is not only a risk factor of pancreatic cancer but also a cause of various adult diseases. Choose a balanced diet.

  • Maintain healthy weight with regular excercise Adjuvant chemotherapy is a anticancer chemotherapy which is performed after surgery in order to prevent recurrence by remote metastasis. It is usually done for 6 months.

  • Pancreas checkup is essential when there is a patient in family members It you have any family members suffered from pancreatic cancer or you have a vague feeling of discomfort in your abdomen, you need to get checkup. Even pancreatic cancer can be cured when detected at its early stage.