cancer clinic

Cancer Immunity Clinic

Cancer Immunity Clinic Nutritional Immunity Cancer Prevention Guide


7 principles for cancer preventive diet & Cancer prevention guidelines of UICC ( the Union for International Cancer Control)

  • 01

    Eat less & Substitue vegetable protein for meat

  • 02

    Avoid salty, spicy, hot, strong-tasting foods

  • 03

    Eat more mushrooms & seaweeds

  • 04

    Eat whole grains


7 principles for cancer preventive diet

· Eat less. · Avoid salty, spicy, hot, and strong-tasting foods. · Eat regularly. · Reduce intake of meat, especially red meat, or substitue vegetable protein. · Eat more mushrooms and seaweeds. · Eat more green-yellow, raw vegetables rich in vitamins. · Eat mushrooms and undehusked whole grains.


Cancer prevention guidelines of American Cancer Society

· Eat various kinds of fruits and vegetables more that 5 times a day. · Eat various grains, beans, nuts, roots, and potatoes. · Avoid using too much sure or starch with a high sugar content while cooking. · Restrain drinking alcohol if possible( for men, 2 glasses a day, for women, less than a glass a day). · Reduce intake of red meat(beef) to 80g a day, and substitute vegetable protein, if possible(intake of chicken or fish is recommended). · Restrain eating fatty acid, especially animal fatty acid. · Restrain intake of salinity(salt). · Avoid eating foods left at room temperature for a long time. · Avoid burnt foods and reduce intake of meat or fish cooked on fire directly, or smoked foods. · Reduce intake of foods which possibly contaminated or potentially contain residual substances.


Cancer prevention guidelines of Korean Cancer Society

· Eat a balanced diet containing nutrient evenly, do not picky on foods. · Eat high fiber ingredients including fruits, grains, etc., based on green-yellow vegetables. · Recommend intake of milk and soybean paste. · Eat right amount of vitamin A, C, E. · Do not eat overly and eat less fat in order to maintain ideal body weight. · Avoid excessively salty, spicy, and hot foods. · Avoid eating directly burnt on fire or smoked fish or meat. · Avoid eating moldy or rotten foods. · Avoid drinking alcohole excessively or frequently. · Stop smoking. · Avoid excessive exposure to the sunlight, especially to UV rays. · Exercise moderately until sweat, but avoid fatigue. · Avoid getting stressed, but try to live in joy. · Keep body clean with taking shower or bath often.


Cancer prevention guidelines of National Cancer Center, Japan

· Eat balanced nutrient through a rich diet. · Try to have different diet every day, not be stuck in one food. · Eat moderately even the food desired and eat fat sparingly. · Drink alcohol in joy but moderately. · Stop smoking, if possible. · Eat more food rich in vitamin and fiber such as green-yellow vegetables. · Avoid eating salty or spicy foods, and cool down hot food in order to ease the stomach. · Avoid charred foods. They are carcinogen and cause mutation. · Never eat moldy food. · Avoid direct and long exposure to the sunlight. · Exercise until sweat. · Keep mood fresh, body clean.